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Motor Test Bench


The motor test bench was the first almost-solo project I worked on for FRC Team #862. It was designed to take the place of a robot control system during prototyping, in situations where we wanted to be able to test or demonstrate the function of some motorized assembly but did not have access to a fully built-and-programmed control system to run it with.

The motor test bench mainly constisted of robot components:

  1. Talon 884/888 ESCs (4)
  2. Generic PWM controllers (meant for testing servo motors) (2)
  3. LM7805-based votage regulator boards (2)
  4. Fuses (hidden under the board) (5)
  5. A 120A breaker (1)
All of this was housed in a modified Bosch toolbox.

A few years after its original conception, myself and a few other team members upgraded the components to include a proper fuse panel and brand new, more powerful ESCs. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the new version.